News from
the Futures Studies field
Emergency as an active negation of utopia
Another world is possible
Towards a new springtime of foresight?
Emergency / Cooperation / Foresight
Capacity building / dissemination / accreditation
UN promoting foresight!
Ocean is our Future
Agenda SF
Time is of essence
Agency is the tool for shaping the future
mental traps
Do you look or do you see?
AI and scenario planning
A bit of FS culture / Future Fostering
Future Washing
Foresight is 'Mass Freedomisation'
Crucial need for Agency
Smartest Intelligence of the World
Rethinking the future
History of the Futures Studies
Generational shift: the Paradox of Knowledge Transmission
A bit of semantics
Weak signals
A useful interlude
Introduction: rationale for this newsletter
24 January 2024: An integrated vision of the field